Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Visit with Santa

We took the kids to Bass Pro Shops to get a picture with Santa, and as expected, they had a blast.

Maddy's first experience with a lemon- she loved it so much, she didn't even pucker up.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Part Two

Let's try this again...

Tony and Paula visited us for Thanksgiving, and we all had a great time. The company (and help!) was much appreciated!

Granny brought the kids some gifts, which they loved.

Ty was a little tired at Chuy's.

If this one is fussy, just put her in a bath and start pouring water over her head. Works 99% of the time!

Falling asleep at Cracker Barrel.

There is a local Christmas tree farm in the (very, very) small town of Pipe Creek, just outside of San Antonio.  We like to go and pick out a tree from there.

It is inevitably 75 degrees every time we go.

Measuring how tall the kids have grown since last year.

Steve is still 6'4".

Ty loved the hand-washing station, where you pump your own water.

Enjoying the hay ride.

And now Maddy Claus will wish you an early Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Long Time No Blog- Part One

A lot has happened since October 14- namely, Halloween, Ty's birthday, and Thanksgiving.

Halloween Pictures- Ty was the red Power Ranger (he was very specific), Lily was a ladybug, and Maddy recycled the circus monkey costume used by the other two.

The girls in their Halloween shirts.

Maddy either doesn't like avocado, or doesn't like Lily feeding her.

Lily wanted to be carried the majority of the time. She didn't like the scary masks.

We celebrated Ty's birthday on November 10 with a small backyard party. Everyone had a blast- especially me, since I didn't have to cook anything.

Part Two, including Thanksgiving and a trip to the Christmas tree farm, coming soon, since Blogger suddenly stopped letting me add pictures.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lily's birthday party and the pumpkin patch

Last weekend was the epitome of Texas weather. On Saturday, we had Lily's birthday party at a local park. The weather was in the 80s.

The next day we went to a local corn maze and pumpkin patch. The weather was in the 50s.